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Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Christoph Barmeyer, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Universität Passau

Professor Christoph Barmeyer

Professor Christoph Barmeyer has been holder of the Chair of Intercultural Communication at the University of Passau since 2008; before that, he was a professor at the Université de Strasbourg. He is a visiting professor at the Université Paris Dauphine, SciencesPo Grenoble and the IAE in Aix-en-Provence, and a member of the council in the doctoral researchers' programme 'Imprenditorialità ed Innovazione' (entrepreneurship and innovation) at the Parthenope University in Naples. His main interest is in finding out how cultural differences can work complementarily and synergetically. He researches, publishes and teaches in German, French and English.

Professor Christoph Barmeyer has been holder of the Chair of Intercultural Communication at the University of Passau since 2008; before that, he was a professor at the Université de Strasbourg. He is a visiting professor at the Université Paris Dauphine, SciencesPo Grenoble and the IAE in Aix-en-Provence, and a member of the council in the doctoral researchers' programme 'Imprenditorialità ed Innovazione' (entrepreneurship and innovation) at the Parthenope University in Naples. His main interest is in finding out how cultural differences can work complementarily and synergetically. He researches, publishes and teaches in German, French and English.

"Increasingly, due to internationalisation and migration, people are being confronted with cultural diversity and intercultural challenges. My research looks at the impacts of culture and cultures on organisations and people in work contexts. The topics are intercultural learning and skills development, the intercultural transfer of organisational practices, the creativity of bi-cultural people and the intercultural integration of migrants in organisations. One thing I am particularly interested in is how people with different cultural backgrounds can shape their intercultural relationships constructively. What can people learn from and through the fact of being culturally different, and how? How can they exploit those differences as strengths and combine them complementarily? In the foreground, this interdisciplinary research with my team from the chair and European colleagues looks at intercultural processes of learning, development and negotiation through interactions, and at how those processes work in society."

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To what extent should enterprises be socially committed?

As part of the series '10 minutes of sociology', Professor Christoph Barmeyer talks about corporate social responsibility and cites examples of soft laws which could go wrong in a different national context. (Video in german)

More on the research

Professor Barmeyer occupies himself in empirical case studies with the role of constructive inter-culturality in organisations. The emphasis in terms of cultural space is on Europe, in particular France, but also Québec.

More about the research of Professor Barmeyer.

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