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'University Perspectives' on the Ukraine war

Researchers from various disciplines examine the political, historical and cultural dynamics of the Ukraine war. For our benefit, they will be contextualising current developments and the background circumstances. 

Pictured above: Independence monument of Ukraine on Kiev's Independence Square Majdan. Photo: Adobe Stock

Ukrainian guest researchers

Teilnehmer*innen des deutsch-ukrainischen Symposiums für Cybersicherheit.

Researchers and experts from various fields came together to discuss digital security challenges and solutions at a German-Ukrainian roundtable symposium held in Passau to mark International Computer Security Day.

Dr Olga Goncharova, DAAD guest professor at the University of Passau

Ukrainian management researcher Olga Goncharova has joined Professor Carolin Häussler’s international team at the University of Passau with a special focus on Eastern Europe.

Prof. Dr. Florian Töpfl im Gespräch mit der ukrainischen Gastforscherin Dr. Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova. Foto: Universität Passau/Studio Weichselbaumer

Dr Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova, a PICAIS fellow at the University of Passau, has set out to establish whether her hometown in Ukraine had access to information other than Russian propaganda during the three-month siege.

The hole in the building of the regional administration in the city of Mykolaiv is symbolic of the heavy fighting currently taking place at the front lines in the south of the country.

Alina Kasinska fled from the heavily bombarded city of Mykolaiv. Thanks to funding from the VolkswagenStiftung, together with Olha Komelina and scholars from Passau and the USA, she will study the war's impacts upon natural reserves. With video

Dr. Hanna Sarmina im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld vor dem Zentrum für Medien und Kommunikation an der Universität Passau.

Ukrainian researchers have been given the opportunity to continue their work in Passau funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. We are introducing them in a series, starting with communication scholar Dr Hanna Sarmina.

The Passau International Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (PICAIS) established a fast-track research fellowship for junior and senior researchers in Ukraine threatened by the current war. Details on the application process.

Analysis and interviews

Bewölkter Himmel, zu sehen durch einen Stacheldraht. Symbolfoto: Adobe Stock

In the 1990s, democracy was thought to be the political system of the future. This expectation has turned out to be obsolete. Political scientist Professor Barbara Zehnpfennig has now analysed the possible reasons for the Research Magazine.

Lviv, Stadt im Westen der Ukraine, nahe der polnischen Grenze. Foto: Adobe Stock

While the sirens are wailing outside in Lviv, Ukraine, Oleksandr Rudyak is sitting indoors, attending an online meeting to discuss his master's thesis with Professor Andreas König. And they both have an idea.

Part 7: Management accounting expert Professor Robert Obermaier on how the economy can protect itself against future shocks.

Brennende Leiterplatte. Symbolfoto: Adobe Stock

Part 6: IT security expert Professor Stefan Katzenbeisser about the very real consequences of a virtual war and the question of whether our infrastructure is adequately protected.

Ruine der Festungssynagoge in der westukrainischen Stadt Brody, die in den 1740er Jahren erbaut wurde und im Zweiten Weltkrieg schwer beschädigt wurde. Foto: Adobe Stock

Part 5: Dr. Natalia Poluhin-Ivanusa, a scholar of Eastern European history from Ukraine, tells us about the Jewish population in her home country.

Part 4: Communication scholar Professor Ralf Hohlfeld about how to handle fake news using the example of a false report that had been doing the rounds among students.

Blogger in Moskau, der mit seinem Handy 2019 einen Marsch zur Erinnerung an die Ermordung des russischen Reform-Politikers Boris Nemzow dokumentierte. Foto: Adobe Stock 

Part 3: Communication scholar and Eastern Europe expert Professor Florian Töpfl about the risks of the Russian media strategy.

Denkmal des mittelalterlichen Großfürsten Wladmir von Kiew, das Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin 2016 in Moskau errichten ließ. Foto: Adobe Stock

Part 2: Professor Thomas Wünsch, a scholar of Eastern European history, assesses how Putin's view of history could explain his action.

Part 1: Political scientist Professor Daniel Göler contemplates on where the European Union needs to position itself.

University's position

In a video message, President Ulrich Bartosch is outlining the University's response to the war and explains the aid initiatives and options for action the University Executive is currently exploring.

Contributing researchers

Professor Daniel Göler

Professor Daniel Göler

conducts research on European integration

Where is the European Union going?

Where is the European Union going?

Professor Daniel Göler holds the Jean Monnet Chair of European Politics at the University of Passau. His research focuses on all matters concerning European integration. Naturally, this involves academic networking across the globe. At the same time, the chair makes European political topics accessible to the general public by organising events and publishing the Jean Monnet Papers.

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld steht in schwarzem T-Shirt auf einem Gang der Universität.

Professor Ralf Hohlfeld

researches editorial convergence and disinformation on the internet

What challenges for raising public awareness arise as a result of digitisation?

What challenges for raising public awareness arise as a result of digitisation?

Professor Ralf Hohlfeld has held the Chair of Communication Studies at the University of Passau since September 2008. He established the bachelor’s degree programme “Journalism and Strategic Communication” and ran it from 2017 to 2021. He is also the spokesman for the Collegial Management of the Passau Centre for Digitalisation in Society (CeDiS). His research focuses are in the field of empirical journalism research, media change and disinformation in the digital society.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser

Professor Stefan Katzenbeisser

researches cyber security and technical data protection

How can critical infrastructures in a networked world be protected against cyber attacks?

How can critical infrastructures in a networked world be protected against cyber attacks?

Professor Stefan Katzenbeisser holds the Chair of Computer Engineering at the University of Passau. He researches cyber security in embedded systems,  critical infrastructures and technical data protection. He is spokesperson of the research cluster "ForDaySec - Security in everyday digitalisation", which is funded by the Bavarian Science Ministry. Besides participating in research projects on secure mobility, he is also involved in the research initiative "6G Research and Innovation Cluster (6G-RIC)". Since November 2023, Professor Katzenbeisser has been a representative of the DFG Review Board “Security and Dependability, Operating, Communication and Distributed Systems”.

Prof. Dr. Robert Obermaier, Vizepräsident für Forschung an der Universität Passau

Professor Robert Obermaier

researches controlling, enterprise assessment and Industry 4.0

How can enterprises be steered through a crisis?

How can enterprises be steered through a crisis?

Professor Robert Obermaier is holder of the Chair of Accounting and Control at the University of Passau. He was Vice President for Research from 2020 to 2023 and from 2012 to 2014. His work is concentrated on the areas of controlling, enterprise assessment, production and decision theory.

Dr. Natalia Poluhin-Ivanusa

Dr. Natalia Poluhin-Ivanusa

conducts research on the Jewish merchants in Galicia of the Habsburg era

How did the ideas of the Jewish Enlightenment spread from Galicia in the 19th century?

How did the ideas of the Jewish Enlightenment spread from Galicia in the 19th century?

Dr. Natalia Poluhin-Ivanusa is a researchers at the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of Eastern Europe and its Cultures. The historian, who is originally from Lviv in western Ukraine, studied there at the Ukrainian Catholic University and then at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt an der Oder). She completed her doctorate at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen, Germany. She is involved in a project at the University of Passau where she studies the mobility of Jewish merchants in Galicia of the Habsburg era during the long 19th century   and how ideas of the Jewish Enlightenment spread via their international network. Dr. Poluhin-Ivanusa lives in Frankfurt with her family.

Prof. Dr. Florian Töpfl

Professor Florian Töpfl

studies digital communication in Russia

How does Moscow influence media audiences abroad using internet-based technologies?

How does Moscow influence media audiences abroad using internet-based technologies?

Professor Florian Töpfl holds the Chair of Political Communication with a Focus on Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet Region at the University of Passau. He heads the ERC Consolidator project "The Consequences of the Internet for Russia’s Informational Influence Abroad (RUSINFORM)" at the University of Passau. Before Dr. Töpfl was appointed professor at the University of Passau in 2020 he conducted research as the head of an Emmy Noether Research Group at Freie Universität Berlin (2014-2019) and as Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2012-2014).

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wünsch

Professor Thomas Wünsch

researches the modern and contemporary history of Eastern Europe and its culture

What defines history and culture in Ukraine?

What defines history and culture in Ukraine?

Professor Thomas Wünsch holds the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of Eastern Europe and its Cultures. In his research he focuses on the history and culture of Poland, Czechia, Ukraine, Russia, Central Asia and the Balkans. He heads a branch of Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft and the Perspektive Osteuropa initiative at the University of Passau.


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