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#PassauDPE: Distinguished keynote series on 'Digital Platform Ecosystems'

Digital platforms and their surrounding ecosystems play a central role in the digital economy. For example, they connect businesses and consumers, challenge traditional ways of value creation, provide new spheres of innovation and shape public opinion. In the distinguished keynote series 'Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE),' a group of internationally outstanding researchers present their latest findings on the question of how these ecosystems impact on the economy and on society at large.

At the University of Passau, researchers from different faculties – together with colleagues from around the world – study the implications of digital platform ecosystems as part of the University's thematic focus on Digitalisation, Networked Society and (Internet) Cultures. This summer semester 2021, Passau is playing host to some of the most prominent international scholars from the disciplines of information systems research, management and innovation, marketing, economics and science communication, who have presented their latest findings in a keynote lecture series on the topic of 'Digital Platforms Ecosystems (DPE)'. The lecture series took place as a Zoom webinar.

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'Our keynote series has become a platform in itself'

The interdisciplinary team of the University of Passau who organised the distinguished keynote series on ‘Digital Platform Ecosystems’ draw their joint conclusions and reveal their learnings in this video.

Programme and keynote speakers

Thursday, 29 April, 4 p.m.
'Algorithmic management of work on online labor platforms: When matching meets control'

Host: Professor Thomas Widjaja, University of Passau

Watch Professor Gregory's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Robert Gregory, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, USA

Professor Robert Gregory

McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, USA

Professor Gregory’s research focuses on novel phenomena related to digital innovation and the transformation of incumbent firms in the context of digital business strategy. His research has appeared in MIS Quarterly; Information Systems Research; and other high-quality outlets. He was awarded the Best Reviewer Award from Information Systems Research in 2017 and the prestigious Early Career Award from the Association for Information Systems in 2016, among other awards. He serves as associate editor for Information Systems Research and Journal of the Association for Information Systems. He is also a founding member and currently serves as president-elect of the AIS SIG DITE (Digital Innovation, Transformation, and Entrepreneurship), and he serves as assistant vice president of indexing and publications for the Association for Information Systems.

Professor Gregory joined McIntire in 2019, teaching "Product and Project Management" as well as "Digital Transformation." Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at IESE Business School (Spain), where he taught digital innovation and transformation across the MBA and international executive levels.

Monday, 3 May, 4 p.m.
'Protecting customer privacy is good for firms: Research insights and implications for digital platform ecosystems'

Host: Professor Jan Schumann, University of Passau

Watch Professor Martin's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Kelly Martin, Colorado State University, USA

Professor Kelly Martin

Colorado State University, USA

Kelly D. Martin is Professor of Marketing and Dean's Distinguished Research Fellow at Colorado State University. Her research interests involve marketing strategy and ethics, particularly in the areas of customer data privacy, political marketing strategy, and firm approaches to creating customer well-being. Her articles are published in outlets such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Harvard Business Review, and have been recognized for research impact as recipients of the MSI/Robert D. Buzzell Award, the Thomas C. Kinnear/JPPM Award, and the AMA/EBSCO Responsible Research in Business Award. She is coauthor of the book The Intelligent Marketer’s Guide to Customer Data Privacy. Kelly received the inaugural AMA Marketing and Society Emerging Scholar Award and held a two-year Colorado State University Monfort Professorship (2014-2016) for her early career research. She is Coeditor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing and Business Ethics Quarterly. At Colorado State University, she serves as Codirector of the Center for Marketing and Social Impact.

Thursday, 6 May, 4 p.m.
'Digital platforms & the new organising and competitive logics'

Host: Professor Andreas König, University of Passau

Watch Professor Cennamo's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Carmelo Cennamo, Copenhagen Business School, Dänemark

Professor Carmelo Cennamo

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Carmelo Cennamo is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School, Affiliate Professor at SDA Bocconi School of Management, and has been a faculty member at Bocconi University, visiting research fellow at Harvard University and visiting professor at IE Business School. A frequent keynote speaker in academic and corporate events, as well as in broad-appeal events such as World Economic Forum, TEDx, Competition Policy International, and Reshaping Work, he is a leading expert on competition in digital platform markets, and on business ecosystems. His research aims at understanding how the peculiarities of multi-sided platforms affect competitive dynamics in digital markets, traditional sectors, and the strategies for managing platform ecosystems. His work has appeared in top academic journals such as SMJ, OrgSci, JMS, JoM, ISR, RP as well as HBR, MIT SMR, CMR and FT. On policy competition, he launched the Digital Market Competition Forum, an initiative to bridge academic research and practice on the ways digital platforms create value in the digital economy and promote a progressive agenda on the pressing challenges for competition regulation in digital markets.   

Monday, 10 May, 4 p.m.
'How Ericsson sidelined WiMAX: The dynamics of technological competition and leadership legitimacy in ecosystems'

Host: Professor Andreas König, University of Passau

Watch Professor Khanagha's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Saeed Khanagha, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Niederlande

Professor Saeed Khanagha

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saeed Khanagha is Associate professor of Strategy at VU Amsterdam and his research is focused on digital platforms and ecosystems and more broadly on understanding the factors that determine success of organization in adoption of emerging digital technologies at the individual, team, organization, and ecosystem levels, using a variety of qualitative and quantitative data methods including single case study, multiple cases studies, survey, and experimental design. His ongoing research mostly explores the different dimensions of strategizing for digital technologies, particularly digital platforms and ecosystems. He has twice received prestigious Marie Curie Horizon 2020 grants, each 1.3 M Euro, and currently leads these projects. Dr. Khanagha has close collaborations with academic and industrial organizations, including having guest researcher positions at Rotterdam School of Management, Leeds University Business School, Ericsson, and Atos. His research has been published in outlets such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, and Long Range Planning. He currently serves as a guest editor of a Long Range Planning special issue entitled Strategizing in a digital era.

Edward Anderson, University of Texas, USA

Professor Edward Anderson

University of Texas, United States

Dr. Edward Anderson is Wright Centennial Professor for Management of Innovative Technology at the University of Texas McCombs School of Business. He has made significant contributions to the fields of distributed innovation management and performance improvement. His current work concentrates on the use of business-to-business platforms to create new product development and supply chain innovation. He also studies process innovation in healthcare operations management, including electronic health record systems. He coauthored: "The Innovation Butterfly: Managing Emergent Opportunities and Risks during Distributed Innovation", "Operations Management for Dummies", and 30+ academic articles. Anderson is a Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society, the most prestigious award by that organization, for thought leadership. He received the Jay Wright Forrester Award from the System Dynamics Society for his work on performance improvement. He holds six patents. Anderson's research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Veterans Administration. He was past director of the McCombs Healthcare Innovation Initiative. He is past president of the Production and Operations Management Society and the System Dynamics Society. He is also department editor of the Industry Studies & Public Policy Department of the 'Production and Operations Management' journal. He has worked with organizations including the American Epilepsy Institute, Ascension Health, the U.S. Veterans' Administration, Shell, Ford, Dell, Atlantic-Richfield, and numerous startups. He received his bachelor’s degree (double majoring in electrical engineering and history) from Stanford and his Ph.D. in management science from MIT.

He teaches courses in project management, New Venture Implementation & Design, Operations Management, and Healthcare Operations Management.

Monday, 31 May, 4 p.m.
'Collected for profit, repurposed for social good: Using advertising data to monitor international development'

Host: Professor Michael Grimm, University of Passau

Watch Professor Weber's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Ingmar Weber, Quatar Computing Research Institute

Professor Ingmar Weber

Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), Qatar

Ingmar Weber is the Research Director for Social Computing at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI). His interdisciplinary research looks at what online user-generated data can tell us about the offline world and society at large. Working closely with sociologists and demographers he has pioneered the use of online advertising data for complementing official statistics on international migration, digital gender gaps, and poverty. His work is regularly featured in UN reports, and analyses performed by his team have been used to improve operations by UN agencies and NGOs ranging from Colombia to the Philippines. Prior to joining QCRI, Dr Weber was a researcher at Yahoo Research Barcelona. As an undergraduate he studied mathematics at the University of Cambridge before pursuing a PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Computer Science. He is an ACM, IEEE and AAAI Senior Member and serves as an ACM Distinguished Speaker.

Monday, 7 June, 4 p.m.
'Governance of data platforms: Rethinking platform openness in the data economy'

Host: Dr. Daniel Schnurr, University of Passau

Watch Associate Professor de Reuver's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Mark de Reuver, Technische Universität Delft, Niederlande

Associate Professor Mark de Reuver

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Dr ir Mark de Reuver is Associate Professor in Digital Platforms at Delft University of Technology, Faculty Technology Policy and Management. He is also head of the Section Information and Communication Technology. He received a PhD from Delft University of Technology (2009). He is also Adjunct Associate Professor at Telecom Business School, France.

His research focuses on data platforms. Through data platforms, ecosystems of unrelated businesses can buy and sell data. Architectural design choices, such as the openness of data platforms, have great implications, both economically (e.g. new business models) and societally (e.g. privacy and safety). His research program aims to understand the antecedents and consequences of open platforms in the data economy. Application domains include Internet-of-Things and data marketplaces.

He published over 150 papers, in journals including Journal of Information Technology, Information & Management, Electronic Markets, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and Telecommunications Policy. With 3800 citations, his H-index equals 30 (Google Scholar). His 2018-paper on digital platforms was cited 700 times. After serving as co-editor-in-chief for Telematics & Informatics, he is currently Senior Editor at Electronic Markets. He supervised 3 PhD students who graduated successfully, and is currently supervising 3 PhD students. He acquired 2.2 million euros in external funding for his group, and had leading roles in over a dozen funded projects. He is currently work package or task leader in two ongoing H2020-projects on data marketplaces.

He designed 7 courses, and taught 14 courses, most of which as a course manager. He created online courses on business model innovation, which were followed by 80,000 learners. He currently coordinates three tracks and specializations, which cover 65 EC in total. In 2019-2020, he led a committee which evaluates the four teaching programs of the faculty, on request of the director of education. He was voted lecturer of the year for I&C in 2018 and 2019.

Thursday, 17 June,  4 p.m.
'Mandatory data sharing on data-driven platform markets: Why, when, and how?'

Host: Professor Jan Krämer, University of Passau

Watch Professor Prüfer's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Professor Jens Prüfer

Professor Jens Prüfer

Tilburg University, Netherlands

Jens Prüfer is Associate Professor of Economics at Tilburg University and a member of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC). His research focuses on institutional and organizational questions, applying economic methodology to a broad set of disciplines, including law, management, political science, history, religious studies, and computer science. He studied Economics and Chinese studies in Tübingen (Germany) and Singapore and holds a PhD in Economics from Goethe University Frankfurt. Prüfer is member of the expert group to the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy and the editor of, the website of the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics. At Tilburg University’s School of Economics and Management, he serves as Academic Director of the MSc. Economics program.

Monday, 21 June,  4 p.m.
'Platform Ecosystems: Co-Dependence, Scale, Design'

Host: Professor Jan Krämer, University of Passau

Watch Professor Bhargava's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Hemant Bhargava, University of California, Davis, USA

Professor Hemant Bhargava

University of California, Davis, USA

Professor Hemant K. Bhargava is an academic leader in economic modeling and analysis of technology-based business and markets. He holds the Jerome and Elsie Suran Chair Professorship in Technology Management at UC Davis, and is the Director of the Center for Analytics and Technology in Society. His research focuses on decision analytics and how the distinctive characteristics of technology goods influences specific elements of operations, marketing, and competitive strategy, and the implications it holds for competitive markets and technology-related policy. He has examined deeply these issues in specific industries including platform businesses, information and telecommunications industries, healthcare, media and entertainment, and electric vehicles. He has published extensively in the top journals Management Science, Operations Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Information Systems Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and Production and Operations Management. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS Information Systems Society. He serves as Department Editor (Information Systems) for INFORMS’ flagship journal Management Science, and is on the Editorial Board of Marketing Science and other major journals. He co-founded the annual Theory in Economics of Information Systems workshop. He co-founded and was the first Academic Director of the UC Davis Master of Science in Business Analytics program, and previously served as Associate Dean at the Graduate School of Management. He was listed among the Global 100 Top Academic Data Leaders by Chief Data Officer magazine in 2020.  He has received several research awards, including most recently the INFORMS Journal on Computing 'Test of Time' award for his 2007 paper on search engines, and a Research Excellence Gift by Google in 2017-18.  

Monday, 28 June, 4 p.m.
'Policy networks, discourse networks, and the regulation of digital platforms'

Host: Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri, University of Passau

Watch Professor Leifeld's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Professor Philip Leifeld holds the Chair of Comparative Politics in the Department of Government at the University of Essex. His disciplinary background is in political science and public policy, with a secondary focus on research methodology and network science. His research is mainly about political networks. He has published extensively on how policy networks operate, the role of interest groups and advocacy in policy formulation and decision making, and institutional design in international organisations. 

Thursday, 1 July,  4 p.m.
'The effect of social media on elections: Evidence from the United States'

Host: Professor Stefan Bauernschuster, University of Passau

Watch Professor Schwarz's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Carlo Schwarz, Bocconi University Milan

Professor Carlo Schwarz

Bocconi University Milan, Italy

Carlo Schwarz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the Bocconi University Milan. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick. His research interest lies in the field of applied microeconomics with a particular interest in policy-relevant questions. In his re­search, he combines causal inference strategies with techniques from text analysis, machine learning, and data science. His recent research investigates the contributed of social media to the spread of hate crimes and anti-minority sentiments online and offline as well as polarization and election outcomes. 

Thursday, 22 July,  4 p.m.
'Workforce Ecosystems: Creating and capturing value with a strategic approach to internal and external contributors'

Host: Professor Andreas König, University of Passau

Watch Professor Altman's full keynote on the University's youtube channel

Professor Elizabeth J. Altmann, UMass Lowell

Professor Elizabeth J. Altman

Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

Dr. Elizabeth J. Altman is an assistant professor of management at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Manning School of Business. She has served as a visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School and a visiting professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Altman’s research focuses on strategy, innovation, platforms, ecosystems, organizational change, and future of work topics. Her work has been published in the Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Marketing Letters, and other internationally recognized management journals and books. Altman is guest editor for the MIT Sloan Management Review(MIT SMR) “Future of the Workforce” project, a joint research effort with Deloitte and part of the MIT SMR Big Ideas Initiative. Before academia, Altman spent 19 years in industry, primarily in mobile telecommunications, with nine years as a vice president at Motorola. She holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Harvard University, Masters’ of Science degrees in mechanical engineering and management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University.

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Our Passau hosts about their keynote speakers

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Concluding #PassauDPE-keynote on 22nd July: Management Professor Elizabeth Altman from the University of Massachusetts Lowell is Andreas König's guest. She will combine her academic expertise with her extensive experience as a senior executive.

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#PassauDPE keynote series: How does value creation work in the era of platform giants such as Facebook and Google? Professor Jan Krämer announces his next guest Professor Hemant Bhargava from the University of California, Davis.

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#PassauDPE keynote series: Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri introduces her guest, Professor Philip Leifeld of the University of Essex. He uses new methods of network analysis to visualise the effects of policy networks in public debates on regulation.

University of Passau researchers

Professor Stefan Bauernschuster

researches empirical evaluation of political measures

How do political measures influence decisions made by individuals and families?

How do political measures influence decisions made by individuals and families?

Professor Stefan Bauernschuster has held the Chair of Public Economics of the University of Passau since 2013. Moreover, he is a research professor at the ifo Institute in Munich, CESifo Affiliate and a member of the Social Policy Committee of the German Economic Association. He is also one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720.

Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Development Economics

Professor Michael Grimm

studies technological change in developing countries, among other topics

What are the measures that enable developing countries to participate in global market processes?

What are the measures that enable developing countries to participate in global market processes?

Professor Michael Grimm has held the Chair of Development Economics of the University of Passau since 2012. He is the Director of the Passau International Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (PICAIS) and one of the Principal Investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)". Prior to this, he held the posts of Professor of Applied Development Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Visiting Professor at Paris School of Economics and Advisor for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. (United States).

Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler

Professor Carolin Häussler

researches co-operation and innovation

How can we use and increase the innovative strength of fluid organisations?

How can we use and increase the innovative strength of fluid organisations?

Professor Carolin Haeussler has held the Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship since 2011 and has been bringing researchers from all over the world to Passau with the International Centre for Economics and Business Studies. She is also one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)".

Prof. Dr. Andreas König

Professor Andreas König

researches organisational change and executives’ personalities and communications

How do established organisations and their leaders respond to the discontinuities that emerge with digitalisation?

How do established organisations and their leaders respond to the discontinuities that emerge with digitalisation?

Professor Andreas König holds the Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship and is deputy spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)" at the University of Passau. His research output is published in leading international journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Review and Research Policy.

Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer

Professor Jan Krämer

researches the regulation of the Platform Economy

What conditions are required on the internet to create competition and innovation?

What conditions are required on the internet to create competition and innovation?

Professor Jan Krämer holds the Chair of Internet and Telecommunications Business and is spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)" at the University of Passau. He is a Research Fellow at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), a Brussels-based think tank.

Prof. Dr. Hannah Schmid-Petri, Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Wissenschaftskommunikation an der Universität Passau.

Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri

researches public debates – both online and offline

How are digitalisation issues publicly discussed and what consequences does that have for political processes?

How are digitalisation issues publicly discussed and what consequences does that have for political processes?

Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri is the holder of the Chair of Science Communication at the University of Passau and one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)". She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation and part of the jury for the DFG Communicator Award. Before her time in Passau, she was a senior assistant at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bern.

Portrait von Dr. Daniel Schnurr, Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Data Policies

Dr. Daniel Schnurr

researches data policies in digital markets

How should we design data access from a technical, economic and regulatory perspective?

How should we design data access from a technical, economic and regulatory perspective?

Daniel Schnurr leads the research group Data Policies at the University of Passau and is one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he previously studied Information Engineering and Management (B.Sc. & M.Sc.). He is the principal investigator of the research project 'Data Neutrality & Open Access: Coherent Economic Policies for the Digital Economy' that is coordinated by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation. His current research focuses on digital platforms, data sharing and competition with artificial intelligence.

Professor Jan Schumann

Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann

researches consumer behavior in B2C relationships

How does it affect people when firms pass on their data?

How does it affect people when firms pass on their data?

Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann has held the Chair of Marketing and Innovation of the University of Passau since 2012. He is also one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720. Since July 2013, he has also worked a director of the Institute of Market and Economic Research.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Widjaja

Professor Thomas Widjaja

researches on IT architecture management, data-based business models, and privacy

What changes when companies develop new services using customer data?

What changes when companies develop new services using customer data?

Professor Thomas Widjaja has held the Chair of Business Information Systems since 2016. He is also one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720. Previously, he gained his doctoral and postdoctoral degrees at TU Darmstadt.


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