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Professor Jan Schumann

Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann

Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann has held the Chair of Marketing and Innovation of the University of Passau since 2012. He is one of the principal investigator of the DFG Research Training group 2720 and director of the Institute of Market and Economic Research since 2013. He has worked as a visiting academic at Boston College, Thunderbird School of Global Management, and at City University of Hong Kong. He is an area editor at the Journal of Service Research and a member of the editorial reviewer board of the Journal of Business Research as well as of Psychology and Marketing.

Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann has held the Chair of Marketing and Innovation of the University of Passau since 2012. He is one of the principal investigator of the DFG Research Training group 2720 and director of the Institute of Market and Economic Research since 2013. He has worked as a visiting academic at Boston College, Thunderbird School of Global Management, and at City University of Hong Kong. He is an area editor at the Journal of Service Research and a member of the editorial reviewer board of the Journal of Business Research as well as of Psychology and Marketing.

‘New, mostly data-based business models are increasingly tearing down the boundaries between consumers and businesses, thus engendering new forms of exchange relationships. While these types of complex added-value networks have an ever-growing economic importance, relatively little research has been done on consumers’ behaviour and experiences with these new business models. Research questions include the effects of so-called ‘secondary data use’, which describes the handing over of consumers’ data to by a company to third parties. Does this have a detrimental effect on consumers’ data-sharing behaviour and what psychological processes are driving this behaviour? The influencing factors exacerbating or mitigating this effect could be used to derive policy recommendations for companies, lawmakers and consumer organisations. To exchange ideas with colleages from across disciplines generates important leads and opens up new perspectives with which to tackle my research topic.’

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The main focuses of Prof. Schumann’s research are online marketing, the management of customer relationships and service pricing. His research papers have been accepted for publication by leading international journals, such as the Journal of Marketing, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Service Research and the Journal of Business Venturing. Furthermore, his research papers have repeatedly received commendations, for example as a finalist for the Journal of Service Research Best Article Award in 2010 and 2019, as a finalist for the Best IJRM Paper in 2016 and with the Rigor and Relevance Award 2017 from the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science. In 2012, he also received a grant from the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative. In 2019, Prof. Schumann won AMA SERVSIG’s prestigious Emerging Service Scholar Award.

More on Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann’s research

Examples for projects

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