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For Professor Lange, business and ethics are not separable

Management professor Donald Lange from Arizona State University is currently conducting research as a Mercator Fellow at the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems" at the University of Passau. In this role, he discusses ethical and cultural issues surrounding digital platforms with the doctoral students.

Do platform companies have a responsibility to protect customer data? The simple and straightforward answer to that question is a resounding yes, says Donald Lange, who works on ethical issues in management at Arizona State University. But on closer inspection, things become more complicated because societal expectations for these companies are rooted in public values that may differ across regions. Mediating between different and sometimes conflicting public values, such as those concerning privacy in the US versus Europe, can present real challenges for these companies.

A longstanding interest of mine is in challenging the notion that business and ethics are two separate things.

Professor Don Lange

Professor Lange is exploring these and other questions with doctoral students at the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems" at the University of Passau. The US-American is spending a year in Passau as a Mercator Fellow. This is a fellowship awarded by the DFG to researchers from Germany and abroad who are more intensively involved in a project than other guest researchers.

This applies to Professor Lange, as Professor Andreas König, who is one of the spokespersons for the DFG Research Training Group, explains: "Professor Lange is one of the world's most outstanding scholars in the field of management and ethics research. Digital platforms raise a lot of ethical questions. In this respect, we will benefit enormously from his stay."

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When Professor Lange is not in Passau, he researches and teaches at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, where he is the Lincoln Professor of Management Ethics. "A longstanding interest of mine is in challenging the notion that business and ethics are two separate things," he says. For example, he addresses how moral considerations are implicated in even the most instrumental and economic concerns of business.

Global companies and their cultural interactions

The field of digital platforms offers numerous avenues and opportunities for research exploration: "It is important to study these ecosystems because they have such tremendous impact. They help shape public opinion, they affect our behaviour, they have an impact on how resources and opportunities are allocated in our society," says the researcher. Digital platforms operate globally, but in different cultural contexts. It is therefore important to analyse how they react to these different environments. Lange also finds it interesting that digital platforms themselves have an impact on how public values are changing and evolving.

Along these lines, Professor Lange has observed that US public values seem to be growing more sensitive to European-influenced concerns about individual customer privacy, while European public values might be gradually embracing an American-influenced enthusiasm for data-driven innovation.

DFG Research Training Group 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)"

DFG Research Training Group 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)"

From October 2022, the Research Training Group "Digital Platform Ecosystems" will be the University’s pivotal hub for leading-edge, international, and interdisciplinary research and advanced academic qualifications around a central phenomenon of the digital economy.

In Passau, the management ethicist takes part in the regular meetings of the Research Training Group’s interdisciplinary doctoral students. He gives them advice on their research work. He also holds workshops himself, for example on the interplay between public values and digital platforms. In turn, he benefits in his research work from the exchange with young researchers from different cultural contexts: "They enable me to better understand how digital platform companies adapt to the cultural nuances in different countries."

The doctoral students at the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems" come from various disciplines, such as business informatics, business administration, economics and communication studies. They also have different cultural backgrounds, for example from Germany, Egypt and Kenya. However, they are focusing their research on one topic: the effects of digital platform ecosystems.


Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer

Professor Jan Krämer

researches the regulation of the Platform Economy

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What conditions are required on the internet to create competition and innovation?

Professor Jan Krämer holds the Chair of Internet and Telecommunications Business and is spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)" at the University of Passau. He is a Research Fellow at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), a Brussels-based think tank.

Prof. Dr. Andreas König

Professor Andreas König

researches organisational change and executives’ personalities and communications

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How do established organisations and their leaders respond to the discontinuities that emerge with digitalisation?

Professor Andreas König holds the Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship and is deputy spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)" at the University of Passau. His research output is published in leading international journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Review and Research Policy.


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