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Prof. Dr. Moritz Hennemann lächelt freundlich in die Kamera.

Professor Moritz Hennemann

Professor Moritz Hennemann has held the Chair of Civil and Commercial Law, Media and Information Law at the University of Freiburg since October 2023. Before that, he held the Chair of European and International Information and Data Law at the University of Passau and headed the Research Centre for Law and Digitalisation (FREDI) of the Faculty of Law from 2020 to 2023. His research revolves around the global development of data and data protection law as well as the legal and regulatory framework of the digital economy.

Professor Moritz Hennemann has held the Chair of Civil and Commercial Law, Media and Information Law at the University of Freiburg since October 2023. Before that, he held the Chair of European and International Information and Data Law at the University of Passau and headed the Research Centre for Law and Digitalisation (FREDI) of the Faculty of Law from 2020 to 2023. His research revolves around the global development of data and data protection law as well as the legal and regulatory framework of the digital economy.

"My research is focused on global data regulation, in other words, on how and in what manner data generation, data use and data trade are regulated in different countries. In this regard, we have been observing different models of regulation pursued globally as well as harmonisation efforts in different regions. This is an exciting process because, on the one hand, a society's data use always comes with the question of whether and in what manner the data's innovation potential is being utilised. On the other hand, you have to tackle risks – including the endangerment of individuals when their personal data are processed – in a careful manner.

Since completing my doctorate on copyright enforcement on the internet, I have been exploring issues of the digital world with a particular focus on clashes of interest in information society. Next to data regulation, I am researching the developments from the perspective of contract law. Many digital interactions are based on contracts. Often with the involvement of many different parties, on platforms for example and with the help of bots.

In my research, I benefit immensely from interdisciplinary cooperation. The cluster project "Vectors of Data Disclosure" in Passau, which is funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation, is a case in point for this. We have teamed up for the project with cultural science and business information system researchers in order to explore how and why people disclose their own personal data and how cultural factors and the general legal conditions affect this decision-making process in very different countries of the global north and the global south."

More about his research

Professor Hennemann's research focuses on the global development of data and data protection law as well as the legal and regulatory framework of the digital economy.
Click here to view Professor Hennemann's publications.

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