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Prof. Dr. Christine Schmitt im Portrait vor dem Panorama des Inns und der Stadt Passau.

Professor Christine Schmitt

Professor Christine Schmitt has been Chaired Professor of Physical Geography with a focus on Human-Environment Research at the University of Passau since April 2021. She is an active member of the scientific advisory board of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö) and of the BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership Life Sciences and Green Technologies and has experience in policy support at an international level. Before this, she served as senior researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn. In her research she focuses on vegetation geography, global change and sustainable development.

Professor Christine Schmitt has been Chaired Professor of Physical Geography with a focus on Human-Environment Research at the University of Passau since April 2021. She is an active member of the scientific advisory board of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö) and of the BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership Life Sciences and Green Technologies and has experience in policy support at an international level. Before this, she served as senior researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn. In her research she focuses on vegetation geography, global change and sustainable development.

"I conduct my research on biodiversity and the ecosystem services of forests and forest landscapes in the tropics, particularly in East Africa and Europe. I am interested in understanding how environmental factors – e.g., climate change – and human uses affect the distribution of individual plant species, biodiversity patterns and the functions and services of forest ecosystems. Through my research, I want to help to develop strategies for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of species and ecosystems."

More on the research

Professor Christine Schmitt conducts multi-scale research on the biodiversity and ecosystem services of forests and forest landscapes while taking into account current environmental changes and societal needs to support the conservation and use of species and natural resources. Her geographical focus is East Africa and Europe.

More information about her research.

Research Stories

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Blick von einem Bergmassiv der Taita Hills im Süden Kenias: Daten, die Prof. Dr. Schmitt hier 2018 erhoben hatte, flossen in die "Nature"-Studie ein. Foto: Schmitt

Professor Christine Schmitt, geographer at the University of Passau, is part of an international research team that proves - in a "Nature" article - that tropical African mountain forests store more carbon than previously thought.

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