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Bavarian Virtual University: Online course for digital marketing

Bavarian Virtual University: Online course for digital marketing

A team of the Chair of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Passau is developing an online lecture on digital marketing for the Bavarian Virtual University (VHB): Short videos and tutorials are planned.

The module will show students the differences between digital and classic marketing. It will present current trend and provide the students with profound insights into the most important channels - from their own website via search engines to advertising on mobile phones. Students will learn how to personalize advertisements and measure the effectiveness of each step. They will also discuss the consequences of users' privacy concerns.

Lecturers will explain complex topics with the help of videos and online tutorials. The students will consolidate their skills in case studies of specific companies. The chair's tutors will accompany this process. On the central Learning Management System (ILIAS) at the University of Passau, students will be able to share their learning contents and work together to solve problems.

The course is scheduled to start in the winter term 2017/2018. It is to be offered every semester for at least five years.

Principal Investigator(s) at the University Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Schumann (Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Marketing und Innovation)
Project period 01.12.2016 - 31.08.2017
Source of funding
vhb - Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
vhb - Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
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