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Professor Stefan Bauernschuster

Stefan Bauernschuster is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Passau since 2013. He is also research professor at the Ifo Institute Munich, CESifo Affiliate, IZA Research Fellow and a member of the committee for social policy of the German Economic Association.Furthermore he is one the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE) – Digital platform-based value creation and its implications for data exchange, organisation and socio-economic development".  In his research, he uses micro-econometric methods to answer policy relevant questions in the fields of labor, population, health and education economics

Stefan Bauernschuster is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Passau since 2013. He is also research professor at the Ifo Institute Munich, CESifo Affiliate, IZA Research Fellow and a member of the committee for social policy of the German Economic Association.Furthermore he is one the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE) – Digital platform-based value creation and its implications for data exchange, organisation and socio-economic development".  In his research, he uses micro-econometric methods to answer policy relevant questions in the fields of labor, population, health and education economics

'I occupy myself with the question of how political measures influence decisions made by individuals and families in the areas of work, family and health. In particular, for my empirical analyses, as well as data from large-scale surveys, I also use disaggregated administrative data, for example data on all individual hospitalisations in Germany, all individual births or all individual road accidents recorded by the police. This work often relates to current socio-political topics, but sometimes also, retrospectively, to measures of historical interest. Modern technologies such as digital platform systems throw up exciting new questions relating to traffic, living and health, and present challenges to the social market economy. Those challenges will also occupy me in the future.

My research interest focuses on topics of political relevance. I try to uncover genuine cause-and-effect relationships and not merely describe naive correlations. That knowledge allows me to make objective assessments of political measures, instead of just being driven by doctrines that have a particular political and/or ideological colour to them.

In my research I often move in areas which are at the interface between economics and, for example, linguistics, law, history or political science. I think it's exciting to be able to think about topics that also occupy colleagues in other subject areas.'

Related research

Professor Bauernschuster has conducted numerous empirical studies on the role of institutions in the context of socio-economic transformation.

More on Professor Stefan Bauernschuster’s research.

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Research stories

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