Professor Maximilian Sailer has held the Chair of Educational Science at the University of Passau since 2019. He completed his doctorate at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and habilitated in 2009 on the topic of " Job profiles and the academic labour market - job advertisement analysis as a method of education and qualification research". During his work as an post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Education with a focus on adult and further education at the University of Augsburg, he held several interim professorships at the LMU Munich and the University of Passau.
Professor Maximilian Sailer has held the Chair of Educational Science at the University of Passau since 2019. He completed his doctorate at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and habilitated in 2009 on the topic of " Job profiles and the academic labour market - job advertisement analysis as a method of education and qualification research". During his work as an post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Education with a focus on adult and further education at the University of Augsburg, he held several interim professorships at the LMU Munich and the University of Passau.
"Academically socialized in a pedagogical tradition that relies on interdisciplinarity and at the same time cultivates its own disciplinary pedagogical knowledge interest, I would like to provide insights that contribute to the improvement of pedagogical practice. In my research, I deal with media educational concepts, in particular with the use of digital media - e.g. with questions on the selection of teaching materials or the effectiveness of the use of digital media (instructional videos, innovative teaching/learning concepts, gamification, etc.). As an Educational scientist, I am also very interested in in topics of competence research - e.g. questions about the qualification requirements for university graduates or to what extent students acquire statistical and scientific skills during their studies."
More about Professor Sailer's research
Professor Sailer's research interests include media education research with a particular focus on the use of digital media, educational research and skills research.
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