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Der grüne Campus der Universität Passau.
Der grüne Campus der Universität Passau.
University and sustainability

As part of the "Sustainability Day" 2022 the Sustainability Hub was launched as the central action and organisation unit…

In deutschsprachigen Ländern dürfen Jugendliche bereits ab dem Alter von 16 Jahren Bier trinken. Symbolbild: Colourbox
In deutschsprachigen Ländern dürfen Jugendliche bereits ab dem Alter von 16 Jahren Bier trinken. Symbolbild: Colourbox

Taking Austria as an example, we show that this minimum legal drinking age, which has been set very low in terms of…

Women in front of the first birth control clinic opened by the nurse Margaret Sanger in the Brownsville neighbourhood of New York's Brooklyn district in 1916. Social Press Association, New York, via: Library of Congress
Women in front of the first birth control clinic opened by the nurse Margaret Sanger in the Brownsville neighbourhood of New York's Brooklyn district in 1916. Social Press Association, New York, via: Library of Congress
Studie mit historischen Daten aus den USA

Drawing on an analysis of historical data, we show that the birth control clinics of the US-American women rights…

Kulturpreis Bayern

In his doctoral thesis, the computer scientist explores the challenges that power grids face on account of the growing…

Prof. Dr. Lars Rensmann
Prof. Dr. Lars Rensmann
Interview with Professor Rensmann

Interview with political scientist Professor Lars Rensmannm, who is one of the two principal investigators of the large…

Forscherinnen und Forscher im Gespräch mit Produzenten vor Ort.
Forscherinnen und Forscher im Gespräch mit Produzenten vor Ort.

Experts devoted themselves to this question at a symposium held at the University of Passau. Their conclusion: Yes, palm…

Symbolbild für Mobilität im ländlichen Raum. Autolichter auf einer ländlichen Straße, umgeben von Wald.
Symbolbild für Mobilität im ländlichen Raum. Autolichter auf einer ländlichen Straße, umgeben von Wald.

In collaboration with business partners, researchers at the University of Passau are developing ways to improve mobility…

The hole in the building of the regional administration in the city of Mykolaiv is symbolic of the heavy fighting currently taking place at the front lines in the south of the country.
The hole in the building of the regional administration in the city of Mykolaiv is symbolic of the heavy fighting currently taking place at the front lines in the south of the country.

Alina Kasinska fled from the heavily bombarded city of Mykolaiv. Thanks to funding from the VolkswagenStiftung, together…

The conference room at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The conference room at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Conference report

The conference “Vectors of Data Disclosure” at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities underlined the necessity…

Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp, HU Berlin
Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp, HU Berlin

Fake News, Fake Views? In einer Ringvorlesung haben Wissenschaftler*innen der Universität Passau und Gäste, darunter…

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