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Talking with hands and feet or arms and legs

A team of linguists from the University of Passau and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) in Leipzig has conducted the first large-scale comparison of body part vocabularies across 1,028 languages. The study published in the Nature journal “Scientific Reports” provides insights into universal and cultural factors of human body vocabularies.

Human bodies have similar designs. However, languages differ in the way they divide the body into parts and name them. For example, English speakers have two words for foot and leg, whereas other languages express the concepts foot and leg in one word. The study of the variation in body part vocabularies across diverse languages has attracted the attention of researchers in linguistics, anthropology and psychology for many years. Similar to the principles developed for the semantic domain of color, universal tendencies have been identified and contrasted with culture-specific variations. The emergence of new methods in network analysis has made it possible to conduct large-scale comparisons of vocabulary in specific semantic domains to study universal and cultural structures.

Professor Johann-Mattis List, who leads the chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics at the University of Passau, is one of the researchers who develop algorithms in order to shed light on the question how humans form their vocabulary in different languages. He joined researchers from the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, in their study comparing the vocabulary of body parts in 1,028 languages. The study entitled "Universal and cultural factors shape body part vocabularies" has been published in the Nature journal "Scientific Reports".

Languages differ in how they name body parts

An example of the study’s language sample and the words for arm/hand and leg/foot in English and Wolof. Illustration: Dr Annika Tjuka/MPI-EVA

"Although our bodies follow similar designs, languages differ in how they divide the body into parts and name them," says Annika Tjuka, a former doctoral student with Professor List and now postdoctoral researcher at MPI-EVA, who initiated and conducted the study. "In English, we have one word for arm and another for hand, but Wolof, a language spoken in Senegal in West Africa, uses one word, loxo, to refer to both body parts. Speakers of both languages have a human body. So why do they differ in which parts are given unique names?"

The results confirm the principle that if a separate word exists for foot, then there will also be one for hand. But the results also show that a body part that is adjacent to another is more likely to have the same name. One reason for this pattern is that languages like Wolof focus on and emphasize the functional features that connect two parts. Speakers recognize that we throw a ball with our hand and arm, or that we walk with our leg and foot. Languages like English, on the other hand, focus on visual cues like the wrist or ankle to separate parts.

Focus page

Large language models have disruptive effects. Researchers at the University of Passau are investigating the technical, social, ethical and legal consequences in an interdisciplinary manner.

Body part vocabularies vary from language to language. However, general tendencies emerge within this diversity. "To understand the factors that shape linguistic diversity, we need more data. We need to document the languages spoken in linguistically diverse areas. And we need to collect data on the sociological context in which the languages are spoken," says Dr Tjuka.

Large collection of wordlists across the world’s languages

For the current study, the team of linguists used an existing database, Lexibank, which is developed by researchers at the MPI-EVA in Leipzig and the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics in Passau. It is a large collection of wordlists across the world’s language. With a computational approach the Passau and Leipzig researchers extracted the words for 36 body parts in all these languages and analyzed the relationships between the words in a network analysis. "It took us several years to assemble the data in the Lexibank collection," says Professor List, who used to work as a senior researcher at the MPI-EVA in Leipzig. "Now we can start to analyze the data in various ways."

Professor List heads the ERC-funded research group "ProduSemy" at the University of Passau. Together with his research team he also uses the data base in order to understand how word families are formed across languages.

Professor Johann-Mattis List

researches computer-assisted language comparison and multilingual computer linguistics

How to compare the over 6 000 languages spoken around the world, and how do computer-based methods help?

How to compare the over 6 000 languages spoken around the world, and how do computer-based methods help?

Comparative Linguist Johann-Mattis List has held the Chair for Multilingual Computational Linguistics at the University of Passau since January 2023 and heads the ERC-funded research group "ProduSemy". Before that, he served as stand-in professor at Bielefeld University and as senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena where he headed another ERC-funded research group on computer-assisted language comparison. Professor List earned his doctorate at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and wrote his habilitation at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.

ERC research group "ProduSemy": Using algorithms to track the evolution of word families

ERC research group "ProduSemy": Using algorithms to track the evolution of word families

From "ell", "bow" and "socius" to "elbow society", more commonly known as dog-eat-dog society: using computer-assisted models, a new ERC-funded research group at the University of Passau under the supervision of Professor Johann-Mattis List has set out to explore a topic that linguists know little about.


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