"My research interest covers human rights and their historical genesis, as well as constitutional history with a focus on the interdependencies between constitutional formation and discourses, both national and cross-border. In addition, I devote myself to the shared standards of European courts and on the historical foundations of the fair trial guarantee of the European Convention on Human Rights. The historical reasoning in international law in my recent monograph Reason and Fairness (Brill 2019) has been singled out for comment in the United Kingdom Supreme Court and in the European Court of Human Rights. I coedit various series and serve on international editorial boards."
ERC Advanced Grant 'ReConFort' – Europe’s constitution needs communication
As part of the “ReConFort” EU project, Passau’s legal historian Professor Ulrike Müßig worked together with an international research team to analyse constitutional debates in five European countries during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Video of the ERC-Project ReConFort
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