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Prof. Dr. Kai von Lewinski

Professor Kai von Lewinski

Kai von Lewinski is Professor of Public Law, Media Law and Information Law at the University of Passau and chaired the DFG-funded Research Training Group 1681/2 ‘Privacy and Digitalisation’. Prior to this, he was the Academic Director of the Foundation for Data Protection in Leipzig and has worked on a Global Privacy Governance project of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.

Kai von Lewinski is Professor of Public Law, Media Law and Information Law at the University of Passau and chaired the DFG-funded Research Training Group 1681/2 ‘Privacy and Digitalisation’. Prior to this, he was the Academic Director of the Foundation for Data Protection in Leipzig and has worked on a Global Privacy Governance project of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.

‘My research angle arises from the fact that information is available globally, while the applicability of laws is geographically limited. I find it invigorating to work on questions of cultural conditionality of law before the background of the global nature of the internet in a group that encompasses fellow academics from different disciplines.’

Related research

The focal points of Professor von Lewinski’s research include freedom of information and data privacy law.

More on Professor Kai von Lewinski’s research

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