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Generative AI is revolutionising areas of life such as education, work and science, but also brings with it challenges such as guaranteeing quality and truthfulness. With the new research focus, the institute is addressing the question of when and how much trust is appropriate in relation to generative AI, be it in the creation, interaction or evaluation of AI-generated products. From 2025, the bidt will specifically fund projects that examine this topic from different angles.
Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri, holder of the Chair of Science Communication at the University of Passau and member of the bidt Board of Directors, will head the new research focus "Humans and Generative AI: Trust in Co-Creation". "Trust is the linchpin for the successful use of generative AI. With our new bidt focus, we want to find out how we can shape the interaction between humans and AI in such a way that it benefits people and society in the long term," she summarises. Schmid-Petri is also researching her own project on trust and AI. Business information scientist Professor Ulrich Gnewuch is leading another project as part of the new research focus.
An overview of the research projects involving the University of Passau:
- "AI in journalism: the impact of generative AI on objectivity and dialogic openness in climate debates"|Headed by Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri (bidt / University of Passau)
The project is investigating the extent to which AI in journalistic reports can help to increase the willingness to accept messages and promote the objective discussion of counterarguments. More about the project:
bidt project: Can artificial intelligence strengthen trust in journalism?
How do citizens perceive AI-generated journalistic content on climate change? A team led by Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri, holder of the Chair of Science Communication at the University of Passau, is researching this question in a bidt-funded project.
- „Trustworthy Generative AI Copilots for Data Analytics in Business Decision-Making“ | Headed by Professor Ulrich Gnewuch (University of Passau)
How do users make decisions when interacting with an AI co-pilot? The project investigates the design of trustworthy generative AI co-pilots and their influence on the business decisions of users without a technical background. More about the project:
Trustworthy Generative AI Copilots for Better Data-Driven Decision-Making in Companies
Generative AI copilots are already being used in many companies. Can they assist employees with data analysis and decision-making? And if not, how can this be changed? These are some of the questions addressed by a team at the University of Passau in a new bidt project led by Professor Ulrich Gnewuch.
The funded projects are two of a total of ten projects that the bidt is funding as part of the new research focus. The projects were selected as part of the bidt's annual call for proposals on the topic of trust and AI and won through in a competitive process due to their excellent quality, topicality and relevance.
In addition to the projects in the research focus area, two further consortium projects from Bavaria were selected as part of the annual call for proposals. One of these is also based at the University of Passau:
- "Authoritarian AI: How Large Language Models (LLMs) Align With Russia’s Propaganda" |Professor Florian Toepfl (University of Passau), Professor Andreas Jungherr (University of Bamberg), Professor Florian Lemmerich (University of Passau)
The project raises two questions: How and with what consequences are LLMs developed under strict supervision and censorship in today's Russia? And what are the implications of authoritarian data when fed into democratic LLM-based systems? Read more:
bidt project on Authoritarian AI: How large language models are adapted to Russia's propaganda
In a project funded by the bidt, researchers from the Universities of Passau and Bamberg are investigating how Russia is developing its own generative AI models under strict supervision and how authoritarian data affects AI systems in democratic systems.
The funded projects strengthen the focus on digitalisation at the University of Passau, where researchers are also working on the technical, social, ethical and legal consequences of generative artificial intelligence in an interdisciplinary manner.
This text was machine-translated from German.
More information
Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri
How are digitalisation issues publicly discussed and what consequences does that have for political processes?
How are digitalisation issues publicly discussed and what consequences does that have for political processes?
Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri is the holder of the Chair of Science Communication at the University of Passau and one of the principal investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)". She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation and part of the jury for the DFG Communicator Award. Before her time in Passau, she was a senior assistant at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bern.