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Illustration aus dem Erklärvideo zum interdisziplinären bidt-Projekt „Vektoren der Datenpreisgabe“ - Illustration: Isabel Groll
Illustration aus dem Erklärvideo zum interdisziplinären bidt-Projekt „Vektoren der Datenpreisgabe“ - Illustration: Isabel Groll
"Vectors of data disclosure"

The digital world asks us this question several times a day: should we share our data? A video explaining the…


Experts from industry and academia met at the University of Passau to discuss the "secure and reliable use of AI".

Symbolbild: Crowdworker. Eine Person sitzt in einem dunklen Zimmer allein vor dem Laptop.
Symbolbild: Crowdworker. Eine Person sitzt in einem dunklen Zimmer allein vor dem Laptop.
New study

Crowdworkers are part of new worlds of work, often associated with precarious working conditions. However, some manage…

Symboldbild für Reisen in der Zukunft mit KI.
Symboldbild für Reisen in der Zukunft mit KI.

"ReiseZukunft" is a project carried out by CenTouris at the University of Passau to gauge how customers feel about the…

Doktorand Stefan Klessinger.
Doktorand Stefan Klessinger.

With his ongoing research on the recognition of structures in data, Stefan Klessinger, a doctoral student from Passau,…

PICAIS - Fellowship Programm

PICAIS Fellow Professor Normann Witzleb has travelled from Hong Kong to the University of Passau for a study visit to…

Silhouette des Gebäude des Europäischen Parlaments in Straßburg. Foto: Colourbox
Silhouette des Gebäude des Europäischen Parlaments in Straßburg. Foto: Colourbox
Round Table on European Democracy

How to make European democracy more resilient to contemporary challenges? Students from across Europe had the…

New study

How did the Spanish flu influence voting behaviour in the Weimar Republic? In our study, we use historical data to show…


A study conducted by early career researchers based on data from Switzerland has revealed: On days when temperatures…

Dissertation of Janina Garbas

Marketing researcher Janina Garbas focused on innovative technology-driven business models in her doctoral dissertation…

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