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Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Development Economics

Professor Michael Grimm

Professor Michael Grimm holds the Chair of Development Economics of the University of Passau and is the Director of the Passau International Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (PICAIS). Moreover, he is the Chairman of the Reserch Committee on Development Economics of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik). He is also one of the Principal Investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720. Previously, he was Professor of Development Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Visiting Professor at the Paris School of Economics and Consultant for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. Professor Grimm's research focuses on the resources available to the  poor.

Professor Michael Grimm holds the Chair of Development Economics of the University of Passau and is the Director of the Passau International Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (PICAIS). Moreover, he is the Chairman of the Reserch Committee on Development Economics of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik). He is also one of the Principal Investigators of the DFG Research Training Group 2720. Previously, he was Professor of Development Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Visiting Professor at the Paris School of Economics and Consultant for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. Professor Grimm's research focuses on the resources available to the  poor.

'My research focuses on small and medium enterprises in developing countries that have limited or no access to capital, consultancy services or any other form of professional support. The central question is how networks can be established that link these firms with each other, but also with investors, banks, government institutions and other actors – both within their own countries and abroad. Ultimately, the aim is to reduce information asymmetries and to reduce existing market segmentations. I plan to further develop my research together with colleagues from other disciplines, which may allow for expansion towards entirely new research areas.'

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Professor Grimm is an internationally renowned expert in development economics, who has conducted various field studies on the effects of technological change in developing countries.

More on Professor Michael Grimm’s research

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