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Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder steht auf dem Campus und lächelt freundlich in die Kamera.

Professor Meinhard Schröder

Professor Meinhard Schröder holds the Chair of Public Law, European Law and IT Law. He is a member of the Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS) and the Institute for Digital Society Law (IRDG). His research focuses not only on traditional legal fields like municipal law and administrative procedural law but also on digital economy law, data protection law and e-government law.

Professor Meinhard Schröder holds the Chair of Public Law, European Law and IT Law. He is a member of the Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS) and the Institute for Digital Society Law (IRDG). His research focuses not only on traditional legal fields like municipal law and administrative procedural law but also on digital economy law, data protection law and e-government law.

"For now, my research focus is primarily on digital economy law, data protection law and e-government law. In all these areas, IT security is a major issue. Everybody uses modern IT nowadays, but many people fail to give consideration to IT security. From my legal perspective, I'm interested in exploring how law can and must ensure IT security and how people's trust in IT can be fostered. Law as an academic field needs to be informed by interdisciplinary research, especially in technology-related areas like these. Conversely, legal issues with IT need to be communicated, in order to implement legal requirements in the design of technology. A continuous dialogue with computer science, like the intense conversation taking place at the Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS) at University of Passau, is an excellent way to ensure this."

More about his research

In his projects and publications, Professor Schröder focuses, among other things, on the law of the digital economy, data protection law, and e-government law.
Click here to view the publications of Professor Schröder.

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