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Stories in the section International Guests

PICIAS-fellow Dr Gianluca Grimalda

Dr Gianluca Grimalda, who became known as the researcher who refuses to fly, continues his studies on social cohesion…

Porträt von Sandra Leaton Gray
Porträt von Sandra Leaton Gray
Gastprofessorin Sandra Leaton Gray

What will school be like in the future? Sandra Leaton Gray, Professor of Education Futures at the Institute of…

EIASM Workshop 2024

World-leading researchers in the field of management science met at the University of Passau to discuss the role of…

Professor Chih-Jen Hsueh

Criminal law professor Chih-Jen Hsueh has travelled from Taipei to Passau to follow the discussion on the planned legal…

International guests

Humboldt Fellow Dr Malena Pastoriza and DAAD Fellow Dr Federico Cortés have been working at the Chair of Passau Romance…

Teilnehmer*innen des deutsch-ukrainischen Symposiums für Cybersicherheit.
Teilnehmer*innen des deutsch-ukrainischen Symposiums für Cybersicherheit.

Researchers and experts from various fields came together to discuss digital security challenges and solutions at a…

Prof. Dr. Marc Van de Velde und Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Eroms vor der Bibliothek im Nikolakloster.
Prof. Dr. Marc Van de Velde und Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Eroms vor der Bibliothek im Nikolakloster.
Humboldt Fellow

Forty years after joining the University of Passau as the university's first research fellow of the Alexander von…

Mercator-Fellow Professor Donald Lange von der State University Arizona zu Gast an der Universität Passau.
Mercator-Fellow Professor Donald Lange von der State University Arizona zu Gast an der Universität Passau.

Professor Donald Lange from Arizona State University is currently conducting research as a Mercator Fellow at the DFG…

Symbolbild: Migration.
Symbolbild: Migration.

Economist Professor Daniel J. Henderson has spent June and July 2023 as a PICAIS-Fellow at the University of Passau. In…

PICAIS - Fellowship Programm

PICAIS Fellow Professor Normann Witzleb has travelled from Hong Kong to the University of Passau for a study visit to…

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